Saturday, October 4, 2014

Smelling the Roses

So I'm sitting at the top of the stairs by the Hameetmen Science Building, where it leads down to Campus and Armadale. I'm originally sitting with a podcast playing waiting for a text message. So I'm sitting and sitting and the text message arrives. I read it, turn off my phone and sit. For the next 10-15 minutes (I think I lost track of time) I just sit and just stare. I don't remember the last time I just sat, did nothing, and thought stuff. Mind you the first thing I thought about was what I would do if someone came up behind me and slashed my throat (I think I would try to remove my shirt, tie it as tight as I could around my neck and call 911 and wait for them to arrive. Though a cut to the jugular is basically unstoppable, according to tv shows and movies.). But I just sat here and watched as the sky turned from a beautiful assortment of colors, to the darkness brightened by the majestic moon. I'll say it again, I can't remember the last time I just sat and did nothing. What kind of life am I living where I can become desensitized to God's creation?  He made this world that we live in and yet I wonder if the proper verb is living if I don't appreciate it. I'm trudging (throwback to A Knight's Tale), in life or I'm rushing in life, going from one thing to the next, or just being absorbed in the false reality that technology creates. It's sad that I forget when the last time I just stopped and appreciate God's glory, when I should really forget about the things that pull me away from His glory. God is good, all the time. 

1 comment:

FungYeh Family said...

Welcome to adulthood. I think can only be consider to be an adult when you start to appreciate the little things in life.

It would be a good idea to set aside a 15-minute block of time to "do nothing" every once in a while, to "recharge" yourself!!