Friday, May 21, 2010

Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Finale


Its always hard to write a review without spoiling the ending, but it is always fun.  This is my first TV show review.  Sanctuary, part 1 of the finale, and Death and All his Friends, part 2.  This epic final was the best I ever seen. While Season 5 was extremely devastating with Izzy nearly dead and George actually dead, Season 6 was by far, the better one.  With a shooter in the hospital and multiple GSWs (gun shot wounds), and pregnant doctors, the final couldn't have been more scary.  With many resolutions to crazy relationships, and the great ending to the Gary Clark legacy, this episode couldn't have been written better.  The heroes in this were: Mark Sloan, Terry Altman, Callie Torres, Jackson Avery, Mary (patient), Miranda Bailey, Richard Webber, and Christina Yang. 

I give this Episode a 10/10 for its great writing, conclusion, and for helping bring back the Anatomy we love.
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